2006 - Present
Center for Study and Research for Agroforestry Biodiversity “Acad. David Davidescu” – C.S.C.B.A.S. is a legal entity juridically acquired by the Law no. 251/2007 supplementing Art. 4 of Law no. 752/2001 on the organization and functioning of the Romanian Academy, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 498 of July 25.2007, subordinated to the National Institute of Economic Research of the Romanian Academy.
- www.biodiversitateagrosilvica.ro
- cscsbas@yahoo.com
- (+40) 21 318 81 06 (int. 3546, 3541, 3542)
The mission of the Center of Studies and Research for Agroforestry Biodiversity “Acad. David Davidescu “(C.S.C.B.A.S.) consists of:
- conducting fundamental research and advanced development of biodiversity farming, forestry, veterinary medicine and compared in various terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, as well as some areas of smart specialization as ecoeconomy and bioeconomy;
- developing programs of research, innovation and technology transfer in specific fields of food safety and security, the zoo veterinary and fishery sectors, as well as their related fields through activities multi-, pluri- and inter-disciplinary in goal of sustainable development of Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic agro biodiversity bioregions;
- to implement applied research, development and raising bio-efficiency in specific ecoregions domestic anthropogenic ecosystems, highlighting biodiversity in agro-ecosystems with superior capitalization of Romanian territorial capital and natural heritage as well as protect the environment;
- biodiversity conservation and development of livestock gene banks and biotehnologies by modern breeding value-added bio-economy in the context of the bioindustrial food.
Essential direction for C.S.C.B.A.S. is to coordinates research themes and to the development of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary studies and research on the socio-economic environment and bio ecoeconomice of activities at local, zonal, district and national levels, based on European and world standards in the respective areas.